
Various survey techniques as crucial cornerstone  to successful engineering of fibre optic networks.

Desktop survey


Our teams make use of existing maps, various public and private data sources and aerial photos captured by state-of-the-art data providers.

Street survey


A first step in the roll-out process is the desktop survey, where our teams use existing maps, data and aerial photos.


Desktop Survey

Efficient and fast.
Processing big data saves costs and time.

A first step in the rollout process is the desktop survey, in which our teams use existing maps, data, and aerial photos. This provides insight into the area, existing infrastructure, and potential bottlenecks such as busy traffic intersections or hard-to-reach locations.

The data sources we use for our desktop surveys are collected through various collaborations and have high accuracy, which allows us to verify a lot of data already from a distance, thus saving costs and time.


Street Survey

We use high-tech geographic informations systems.

If a street survey is still deemed necessary, we execute it by reducing it to a bare minimum in order to limit costs and maintain speed. This means that our teams visit the actual environment to inspect the terrain, buildings and roads. They analyse the existing subsurface and infrastructure such as electricity pylons, ducts, etc. to determine how the fibre optic cables can best be placed.

Approach and outcome

surveying costs

Good surveys are essential to avoid unexpected problems during deployment. For example, they help identify the type of ground, the number of living units, whether work can be done on pole or facade,... If these items are not properly captured, it can lead to additional unnecessary costs or delays.

Cost efficient

Innovative data processing

Faster surveys - faster rollouts

Qualitative and up-to-data